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Great programming reference books that might help you in your project development and get additional knowledge from the author. Support author by buying hard copy to the nearest book store in your place or order books in their respective publisher websites.

Category: Android Developer / Asp.Net / Asp.Net MVC / Blockchain / C# / C++ / Computer Science / Database / Game Developer / Java / JavaScript / jQuery / Linux / Maven / MS Sql / MySQL / Networking / Oracle / PHP / Python / Spring / VB.Net / Visual Studio / Web Developer

Agile Data Warehouse Design: Collaborative Dimensional Modeling, from Whiteboard to Star Schema

Author: Lawrence Corr; Jim Stagnitto

Publisher: DecisionOne Press Pages: 328

Step-by-step guide for capturing data warehousing, business intelligence (DW/BI) requirements and turning them into high performance dimensional models in the most direct way.

Database Design for Mere Mortals: A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design (3rd Edition)

Author: Michael J. Hernandez

Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Pages: 672

Third Edition, shows you how to design databases that are soundly structured, reliable, and flexible, even in modern web applications.

Database Internals: A Deep Dive into How Distributed Data Systems Work, 1st Edition

Author: Alex Petrov

Publisher: O'Reilly Media Pages: 376

Throughout the book, you’ll explore relevant material gleaned from numerous books, papers, blog posts, and the source code of several open source databases.

Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management, 13th Edition

Author: Carlos Coronel; Steven Morris

Publisher: Cengage Learning Pages: 816

More coverage of Big Data Analytics and NoSQL, including related Hadoop technologies, now provides a stronger hands-on approach.

Expert Scripting and Automation for SQL Server DBAs (1st Edition)

Author: Peter Carter

Publisher: Apress Pages: 280

Automate your workload and manage more databases by combining metadata-driven automation with powerful tools like PowerShell and SQL Server Agent.

Guide to NoSQL with Azure Cosmos DB: Work with the massively scalable Azure database service with JSON, C#, LINQ, and .NET Core

Author: Gaston C. Hillar; Daron Yondem

Publisher: Packt Pages: 214

This book starts off by showing you the main features of Cosmos DB, their supported NoSQL data models and the foundations of its scalable and distributed architecture.

Learn Azure in a Month of Lunches, 2nd Edition

Author: Iain Foulds

Publisher: Manning Publications Pages: 375

You'll get hands-on practice with the basics, including setting up cloud-based virtual machines, deploying web servers, and using hosted data stores.

Learning SQL: Master SQL Fundamentals (2nd Edition)

Author: Alan Beaulieu

Publisher: O'Reilly Media Pages: 338

Need to write database applications, perform administrative tasks, or generate reports, Learning SQL, 2nd Edition will help you easily master all the SQL fundamentals.

MongoDB: The Definitive Guide (3rd Edition)

Author: Shannon Bradshaw; Eoin Brazil; Kristina Chodorow

Publisher: O'Reilly Media Pages: 514

You’ll learn how this secure, high-performance system enables flexible data models, high availability, and horizontal scalability.

Next Generation Databases: NoSQLand Big Data (1st Edition)

Author: Guy Harrison

Publisher: Apress Pages: 256

This is a book for enterprise architects, database administrators, and developers who need to understand the latest developments in database technologies.

Disclaimer: Programming books display here are property of respective owners. All information about the book published in this website is in good faith and for general information purpose only.