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Great programming reference books that might help you in your project development and get additional knowledge from the author. Support author by buying hard copy to the nearest book store in your place or order books in their respective publisher websites.

Category: Android Developer / Asp.Net / Asp.Net MVC / Blockchain / C# / C++ / Computer Science / Database / Game Developer / Java / JavaScript / jQuery / Linux / Maven / MS Sql / MySQL / Networking / Oracle / PHP / Python / Spring / VB.Net / Visual Studio / Web Developer

Advanced C# programming, 1st Edition

Author: Paul Kimmel

Publisher: McGraw-Hill/OsborneMedia Pages: 551

Advanced C# Programming thoroughly explains real-world solutions you can apply to a wide range of business applications or to programming problems.

Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#, 1st Edition

Author: Robert C. Martin; Micah Martin

Publisher: Prentice Hall Pages: 768

This book presents a series of case studies illustrating the fundamentals of Agile development and Agile design, and moves quickly from UML models to real C# code.

Async in C# 5.0: Unleash the Power of Async (1st Edition)

Author: Alex Davies

Publisher: O'Reilly Media Pages: 108

Several applications that call for asynchronous programming, this concise hands-on guide shows you how the async feature in C# 5.0 can make the process much simpler.

Begin to Code with C#, 1st Edition

Author: Rob Miles

Publisher: Microsoft Press Pages: 512

This friendly, easy, full-color book puts you in total control of your own learning, empowering you to build unique and useful programs.

Beginning C# 7 Programming with Visual Studio 2017 (1st Edition)

Author: Benjamin Perkins; Jacob Vibe Hammer; Jon D. Reid

Publisher: Wrox Pages: 912

Visual Studio 2017 updates feature a number of new tools and features that streamline the workflow, simplify the code, and make it easier than ever to build high-quality apps.

C# 2008 Programming Covers .Net3.5, Black Book, 1st Edition


Publisher: Wiley Pages:

Teaches you how to implement each language concept programmatically, by providing most appropriate examples with full explanations.

C# 24-Hour Trainer, 2nd Edition

Author: Rod Stephens

Publisher: Wrox Pages: 600

Updated to align with the latest C# standard, this book is your comprehensive beginner's guide, with each lesson supplemented by a video, for over ten hours of video training.

C# 4.0 The Complete Reference

Author: Herb Schildt

Publisher: McGraw Hill Education; Pages: 984

The Complete Reference offers in-depth details on all aspects of C#, including keywords, syntax, and core libraries.

C# 5.0 All-in-One For Dummies, 1st Edition

Author: Bill Sempf; Chuck Sphar; Stephen R. Davis

Publisher: For Dummies Pages: 840

C# is a complex programming language for building .NET-connected software for Microsoft Windows, cloud computing, the Web, and a wide range of devices.

C# 6 for Programmers, 6th Edition

Author: Paul J. Deitel; Harvey Deitel

Publisher: Prentice Hall Pages: 768

C# using an early classes and objects approach, then rapidly move on to more advanced topics, including LINQ, asynchronous programming with async and await and more.

Disclaimer: Programming books display here are property of respective owners. All information about the book published in this website is in good faith and for general information purpose only.